Simulated Invasion of an Alien Star, Capture of Mars and Uranus

Solar System

In this video you can see the hypothetical invasion of an alien star into our Solar System and the consequences of the approach of this star with the Sun. Some arbitrary position of the alien star was chosen in such a way that it entered the Solar System at some angle to the ecliptic plane and that the closest approach to the Sun occurred between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. The mass of an alien star is taken equal to the mass of the Sun.

With such an invasion, an alien star captures Mars and Uranus with its gravity. Mercury, Venus and Earth remain near the Sun with minor changes in their orbits. Saturn and Neptune also remain in the Solar System, but move to highly elongated orbits. Jupiter and Pluto are thrown out of the Solar System and do not join an alien star, becoming rogue planets.

The size of planets and the Sun and the alien star are not shown on a scale relative to the size of the orbits. The video shows a time interval of 500 years.

See with subtitles.

The video was made using own software.

The tracks ‘Lord Of The Dawn’ and ‘Thin Places’ by Jesse Gallagher sound in this video.

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