Arcturus Motion Among the Stars During 2 Million Years


You can see how the red star Arcturus smoothly move relative to other stars during 2 million years. Throughout the video, Arcturus is in the center of the screen.

We see that 470 thousand years ago, an optical merge of yellow Capella and red Aldebaran could be observed in the sky near Arcturus. There is another video on this topic: Capella Met Aldebaran 470 Thousand Years Ago.

Also, not far from the place where Capella and Aldebaran visually merged, it was possible to observe blue Vega: Vega Motion Among the Stars During 2 Million Years.

Arcturus is currently located in the Bootes constellation. And right now Arcturus passes as close to the Sun as possible and looks like the brightest star in the northern hemisphere of our sky.

In 59 thousand years, Arcturus will pass next to the blue Spica. There is another video on this topic: Virgo Constellation and its Change in 59 Thousand Years.

In one million years, Arcturus will be near the Crux constellation.

The video was made using own software. Information about the stars is taken from the Hipparcos catalogue.

The track ‘Outcast’ by Myuu sounds in this video.

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