Asteroid 2020 DB5 will Pass Through the Crux Constellation


This video shows the trajectory of the asteroid 2020 DB₅ against the background of stars when observed from Earth during 2023.

The diameter of this asteroid is estimated at several hundred meters. On the night of June 14-15, asteroid 2020 DB₅ will pass at a distance of 4.3 million km from Earth against the background of the constellation Centaurus. That is, more than 11 times farther than the Moon. To see an asteroid as a faint star, you will need a very powerful amateur telescope.

On June 16, the asteroid will fly through the Crux constellation.

Watch the video with subtitles.

Modeling and rendering were performed by author of AstroTubo channel using own software. The calculations took into account the mutual influence of the Sun, all the planets of the Solar System, the Moon and the asteroid on each other. Relativistic effects were also taken into account in the calculation.

The track ‘Interception’ by Kai Engel sounds in this video. This track was not changed. Link:
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0):

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