I want to share with you my memories of the amazing comet Hale–Bopp, which was approaching the Sun and the Earth in the spring of 1997.

In 1997, I observed this comet, like many other people around the world. This was the moment when, without having any special devices, without going to a desert at a certain time, but simply standing at night in a lighted city square and raising your eyes to the sky, you could see a bright astronomical phenomenon for many weeks. And one person very close to me, inspired by this comet, wrote such a poem:

Like a funny sunlight spot,
Like a feather shuttlecock,
Comet passes through the space.
I can see it from terrace.

Now I'm running to the square.
Adults, children gathered there.
Though it's night, but how to sleep?
And from arguing how to keep?

- Will the comet once return?
- Will it melt? In what will turn?
Kids are waiting for reply:
- Who can see it in the sky?

- All the countries? It can't be!
- Really so far? Disagree!
- Is it summer on the 'guest'?
- Frozen rock, like Everest!

- Why the tail? And what is after?
Questions, answers... Screams and laughter...
Oh the comet! What a speed!
Sun can't keep you close, indeed!

It's so good that at least once
You have flashed your tail at us.
Comet Hale–Bopp, let's fly!
Have a nice trip and good bye!

The poem is published with the consent of the author. I have translated this poem into English.

Comet Hale–Bopp near the constellation Cassiopeia (animation by the author)

Check out this beautiful animation of the motion of the Hale–Bopp comet. The video clearly shows the orbit of the comet and its appearance in 1997.

Have you observed this comet? Have you heard of it? Maybe you have photos of this comet? Share in the comments. Ask questions.

I plan to publish a more detailed article about this comet later.

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