Asteroid 349507 (2008 QY) and its approach to Earth on October 3, 2023


This video shows the orbit of asteroid 349507 (2008 QY) and its approach to Earth on October 3, 2023. The trajectory of the asteroid is also shown against the background of stars during the approach when observed from Earth.

Asteroid 349507 (2008 QY) was discovered in 2008. Its orbit is rather elongated and inclined to the Solar system plane. It belongs to the Apollo group, one of the groups of near–Earth asteroids. This asteroid is considered potentially hazardous, since it can also approach the Earth, while being quite large. Its size is estimated in the range from 520 to 1200 meters. The spread of values is due to the fact that its size can be estimated only by its apparent brightness. And the apparent brightness depends not only on the size, but also on how well the surface of the asteroid reflects sunlight.

On October 3, 2023, at 20:39 UTC, it will approach the Earth. The distance between the Earth and the asteroid will be 6.3 million km. That is, it will pass about 16 times farther than the Moon. This distance is safe. On the evening of October 3, you can try to find it in the Hercules constellation.
But it will take a powerful telescope to observe. The asteroid will look like a faint star of 14–16 magnitude.

Although this asteroid will pass at a safe distance from Earth, it is necessary to continue observing it to clarify the parameters of its orbit. Asteroid 349507 (2008 QY) sometimes undergoes a series of frequent approaches with Venus. This is due to the fact that the asteroid makes a revolution around the Sun in about the time that Venus makes two revolutions. Considering that this asteroid sometimes approaches the Earth, its orbit slowly evolves under the influence of gravitational perturbations. Therefore, it is impossible to exclude the possibility of a collision of this asteroid with the Earth in the distant future.

Watch the video with subtitles.

Modeling and rendering were performed by author of AstroTubo channel using own software. The calculations took into account the mutual influence of the Sun, all the planets of the Solar System, the Moon and the asteroid on each other. Relativistic effects were also taken into account in the calculation.

The track ‘Space’ by Andy G. Cohen sounds in this video. This track was not changed. Link:
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license:

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