About the Project

AstroTubo is an information resource containing author’s videos about the Solar System and stars, articles about space, astronomy, the sky and astronomical phenomena. The aim of the project is to popularize science.

The basis of publications on the AstroTubo website are high-quality visualizations in video format, clearly showing the orbits and trajectories of celestial bodies of the Solar System. There are also a number of videos showing the motion of stars relative to each other over time, when viewing which you can estimate how distorted the outlines of the constellations are over hundreds of thousands of years.

Each video smoothly and consistently reveals its theme. At the same time, such techniques as, for example, frequent frame changes, transitions between scenes in the form of bright flashes, twitching, which can quickly tire the viewer, are not used. Cuts from other people’s videos are not used. There is no voiceover in the video. The presenter does not appear on the screen so that nothing distracts from watching. The videos are accompanied by a carefully selected melody, which allows you to get more pleasure from watching.

Explanations to the video are in the form of subtitles with a clear and accessible presentation of the material. However, it is implied that the viewer has an initial understanding of astronomy, the Solar System and the stars. Some videos (no longer than 2-3 minutes) can go without subtitles. This means that the video is understandable without comments. If questions do appear, you should refer to the description of the video or write a comment.

All videos published on the AstroTubo website are unique. They are created by the author of the site using own software. Work is underway on a new category in which text articles about constellations are published. Astronomical articles on other topics will gradually appear.

The main page displays cards for navigating to the desired publication. There is navigation by categories. It is also possible to switch to similar publications using the tagging mechanism. On average, one publication appears on the AstroTubo website every week. The information on the website is presented in Russian and English.

Enjoy watching and reading!

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